Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lenten Bible Study for the Month of March-Esther

So, what does Esther have to do with Lent? We know that God is in our hearts and is with us. He is Immanuel-God with us. God is at work today in us. He is moving, touching lives and shaping kingdoms. Even though in the book of Esther, the name "God" is not mentioned, we see him being present in all that is happening. Just because life's events seem to be unfair and wrong, it doesn't mean that He's not present. He is at work. Think of the events during Holy week and Christ's arrest and his crucifixon. They were tragic events. When we watch the movie, The Passion, our hearts are weeping and wailing at the unjustice. We know that our God was in the mist of every event and shaping our salvation along with His Son Jesus. Read the book of Esther. I like to think about the fact that God's hand is not so short that it cannot save. Whether we see Him or not, He is at work in our lives. God seems to specialize in turning the mundane into the marvelous and the meaningful. You may want to journal about times in your life when you thought God was far away and when circumstances were so unbearable you believed that God could never be close. But...He is. Later, many times we can see His presence and realize His workings in our lives. Even though we may not see Him in the beginning of a crisis, He is there, comforting us and bringing us through it all.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lent-Walking in His Footsteps

Readings for this week, beginning on Wednesday, February 13, Ash Wednesday:Mark chapter 1:1-28; Psalm 2:7; . This chapter in Mark is about Jesus' baptism and the 40 days in the desert with three temptations. Think about Moses and David and John the Baptist who spent much time in the wilderness. We think about how during our times in the wilderness of life, God uses this time to strengthen us and sanctify us.
An excellent book to read during this Lenten season is Adam Hamilton's book, The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus. Also, our children will be experiencing this study on their Prayer Walk during Fun Fest Survivor Night-Pre-Prayed for Lent which is happening in March.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Readings for the Techno Bible Study will resume in February 2013 as we begin the season of Lent. Presently, I'm spending time with my precious and loving family and preparing for upcoming Children's Ministry Events.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bible Readings for December 3rd through December 10th

Exodus 34:1-Leviticus 7:27; Matthew 27:15-Mark 3:30; Psalms 33:12-37:11: Proverbs 9:1-10:4 We can all remember that one special teacher in school or in Sunday School who taught us something that made a big difference in our lives. I often reflect upon the one special Sunday School teacher, Doc Harmon who passed on to me the love of reading the Bible and truly taught me about faith and guided my spiritual growth. I saw God in him each Sunday, because he was always there...he loved teaching us crazy kids straight from the Bible. He made the stories come alive in my heart. I still have the Bible he gave me, with his signature and a Christmas stamp on the first page. I will always cherish his memory and will always be grateful to him. Who do you remember as being the person who taught you about Jesus? How did that person share his/her zeal for teaching from The Word of God?
As you read the passages during this Advent season, think about opportunities God may be giving you to live out Jesus' call to make disciples. Have you missed opportunities by not taking advantage of situations? Whose spiritual growth might God want you to encourage? During this Advent season, as we are waiting for the Christ child, let's pray that we can find peace and joy through serving others and giving of ourselves.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Bible Readings for Sunday, November 25 through Sunday, December 2

Exodus 21:22-33:23; Matthew 24:1-27:14; Psalms 29:1-33:11; Proverbs 7:6-8:36 As we are approaching the First Sunday in Advent, I pause to think about our Savior who came to us in a form of a babe. Many during that time, missed "Jesus in Disguise" and still today, we often don't take the time to look for that God Sighting each day, and that person we should treat as a very special child of God. I'll never forget my experience on my first mission trip to Belize. Looking into the eyes of some very improverished children, I was able to see Jesus in their eyes. When I returned, a very changed individual, I began to take a second a very different way...through God's eyes upon the ones who may be the unlikely ones to want to love and get close to and to find my place in God's kingdom here on earth. More world mission trips followed, along with taking a closer look at those in need who were on our doorsteps. This is my desire at this seek His will and pray that God will move within me. To dream God's dream and then act upon His vision is my goal this Advent season.
Jesus in Disguise-How can we learn to experience God Every Day Questions to Ponder: Who do you feel God is calling you to treat as if that person were Jesus in disguise? Why? How do you feel compelled to act toward that individual or group of people?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Bible Readings for November 13th through 19th

Exodus 8:1-21:21; Matthew 19:13-23:39; Psalms 24-28; Proverbs 6:1-7:5 In Matthew 22:34, religious leaders, afraid of losing prestige and authority, were trying to trick Jesus into saying or doing something they could condemn. Believing that they could discredit any answer He gave, they asked Him what was the most important commandment. Jesus replied by quoting from Deuteronomy 6:5. This is a portion of the Old Testament they would have known as the Torah. Often referred to as the Law, it contains the many commandments given to the Israelites through Moses. The commandments that those religious leaders had studied all of their lives. Then He added, "And the second is like it, "Love your neighbor as yourself". This is another quote from the Torah; Leviticus 19:18. I'm a little behind this week with many commitments and family to tend. For this week's reading, I pause and think about the love I have for my family and my adorable grandchildren. So, why does God require us to love Him with more than just our hearts? How will loving God with our hearts, souls, and minds help us choose the right doors in life? Each day as I gaze at the wonder of God's creation in those beautiful brown eyes of my two preschool grandchildren, I understand. I love these children with more than my heart...I do love them with my soul as I pray each day for them and my son who is the super dad. I love them with all my mind cause I think about them all during the day when I'm at work. We do have that all powerful love that God has given us and he does expect us to love others in the same way. Hey, that is very easy for me when it comes to my family! God also expects me to show Him my love through my service to Him and to love our neighbors...basically, everyone. God is my heart, mind and soul's inspiration each day and helps me to focus my mission in this world.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bible Readings for November 5th through November 12

Genesis 44:1-Exodus 7:25; Matthew 14:13-19:12; Psalms 18:37-23:6; Proverbs 4:11-5:23 Consider these words as food for our souls. Look for God Sightings and try to see God in a new way the rest of this week. How are all of our wants and needs different? How are they similar?